Source: index.js

"use strict";
/* jshint node: true */

var i = require('i')();
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var P = require('bluebird');
var V = require('validator');
var EventEmitter = require('events');
var debug = require('debug')('emmo-model:index');
const {each} = require('./lib/functions.js');

var Session = require('./lib/session.js');
var Expression = require('./lib/expression.js');
var Migrator = require('./lib/migrator.js');
var Store = require('./lib/store.js');

var buildModel = require('./lib/model.js');
var allValidators = Object.keys(V).filter(fn => fn.startsWith('is') || [ 'contains', 'matches', 'equals' ].indexOf(fn) >= 0);


 * A object to contain Entity definition
 * @typedef {object} Entity
 * @property {string}                             tableName
 * @property {object<string, Property>}           properties
 * @property {string[]}                           propertyNames
 * @property {string[]}                           updatableNames
 * @property {string[]}                           inputableNames
 * @property {string[]}                           primaryKeyNames
 * @property {string}                             autoIncrementName

 * A object to contain Property definition
 * Note allowNull property will cause a empty string validation for string property.
 * @example
 * {
 *   id: { type: 'bigint', autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true },
 *   account: { type: 'string', length: 50, allowNull: false }, // allowNull will reject '' for string type as well
 *   password: { type: 'string', virtual: true, isLength: { min: 5, 20 } },  // virtual property will not be mapped to db
 *   repassword: { type: 'string', virtual: true, validators: [ // this is how you define customize validators
 *     function(value) {
 *       return this.password === value;
 *     }
 *   ]},
 *   passwordHash: { type: 'string', length: 50, input: false }, // will be ignored in User.input convertion
 *   age: { type: 'int', isInt: { min: 18, max: 120 } },
 *   email: { type: 'string', isEmail: true },
 * }
 * @typedef Property
 * @type {Column}
 * @property {string}           columnName
 * @property {boolean}          [virtual=false]           only in memory, do not map to database
 * @property {boolean}          [input=true]              accept input from user
 * @property {string}           [dateFormat=ISO8601]      how to parse Date @see {@link}
 * @property {boolean|boolean}  [autoTrim=true]           trim space characters for string type, pass 'length' to trancate by length property
 * @property {string|boolean}   [index]                   assign same index name to multiple columns will create a composite index
 * @property {boolean}          [unique]                  create a unique index or set existing index to unique
 * @property {boolean}          [desc=true]               create a descending index
 * @property {string}           [refer]                   build up foreign key reference
 * @property {string}           [referName]               specify different referNames to refer same table multiple times
 * @property {string}           [onDelete]                specify onDelete action: 'CASCADE', 'SET NULL' ...
 * @property {string}           [onUpdate]                specify onUpdate action
 * @property {string}           [message]                 error message when validation failure
 * @property {array|boolean}    [VALIDATION]              isEmail: true, isInt: { min: 1 }
 *                                                        {@link|validator}
 * @property {Validator[]}      [validators]

 * EmmoModel holds all entities definitions, and a Database Server for you.
 * <p>EmmoModel is a EventEmitter, you can subscribe events by once/on</p>
 * @constructor
 * @param {EmmoModel} [parent]
function EmmoModel(parent) {
  // initialize definition, add _Migration model to store model definition.;

  this.parent = parent;

   * store all extra information than Model for runtime
   * @type {object.<string, Entity>}
  this.entities = parent ? parent.entities : {};

   * store all Models you ever defined.
   * @type {object.<string, Model>}
  this.models = {};

  // clone all models to bind this instance.
  if (parent) {
    for (const name in parent.entities) {
      this.models = buildModel(this, name, parent.entities[name]);

  this.define('_Migration', {
    uid: { type: 'bigint', primaryKey: true, allowNull: false },
    name: { type: "string", length: 50, unique: true },
    models: { type: "string" }

util.inherits(EmmoModel, EventEmitter);

 * define a new Model
 * @param {string}                      name                singular
 * @param {object.<string, Property>}   properties          KEY as property name
 * @param {string|object}               [tableOptions|tableName=names]   plural
 * @returns {Model}
EmmoModel.prototype.define = function(name, properties, tableOptions) {
  // build up entity
  if (typeof(tableOptions) === 'string') {
    tableOptions = {
      tableName: tableOptions
  } else if (!tableOptions) {
    tableOptions = {};

  var tableName = tableOptions.tableName || i.pluralize(name);
  delete tableOptions.tableName;

  var entity = {
    tableName: tableName,
    properties: properties,
    propertyNames: [],
    updatableNames: [],
    inputableNames: [],
    primaryKeyNames: [],
    requiredNames: [],
    autoIncrementName: '',
    tableOptions: tableOptions

  each(properties, (property, name) => {
    property.$name = name;

    // create validator for property
    if (!Array.isArray(property.validators))
      property.validators = [];

    if (property.autoIncrement) {
      property.validators.push(function autoIncrement(value) {
        return Number.isInteger(value * 1) && value > 0;
    } else {
      if (property.length > 0) {
        property.validators.push(function length(value) {
          return (value.toString()).length <= property.length;

      for (const validatorName of allValidators.filter(v => v in property)) {
        var parameter = property[validatorName];
        var validator;
        if (parameter === true) {
          validator = function(value) {
            return V[validatorName](value);
        } else {
          validator = function(value) {
            return V[validatorName](value, parameter);
        validator.reason = validatorName;

    // columnName equals to property name defaulty
    if (property.virtual !== true) {
      property.columnName = property.columnName || name;

    // find out autoIncrement and updatable properties
    if (property.autoIncrement)
      entity.autoIncrementName = name;
    else if (property.virtual !== true)

    // collect inputable properties
    if (property.input !== false) {

      if (!property.autoIncrement && property.allowNull === false && property.defaultValue !== null || property.defaultValue !== undefined) {

    // collect primary key properties
    if (property.primaryKey === true)


  if (entity.primaryKeyNames.length === 0)
    throw new Error(name + ' has not primary key');

  // save up
  this.entities[name] = entity;
  // build up model
  var Model = buildModel(this, name, entity);
  this.models[name] = Model;
  return Model;

 * @typedef InitOptions
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string}   [modelsPath='./models']           path to model files folder
 * @property {string}   [migrationsPath='./migrations']   path to migration files folder
 * @property {string}   [dialect=pg]                      'pg' is only option for now.
 * @property {string}   database                          ORIGIN database name, migration will be created base on it
 * @property {string}   connectionString                  need to replace database name with %s

 * init
 *   1. should be fired up during app startup process.
 *   2. model need to require this file, so this prcoess can't be in constructor
 *   3. share definition among multiple EmmoModel
 * @param {InitOptions|string} [optionsOrConfigPath]
 * @param {object}  store       should provide add/remove/exists/getAll as ./lib/store.js did
EmmoModel.prototype.init = function(options, store) {
  if (this.inited)
    return this;
  this.inited = true;

  if (!options) {
    this.configPath = path.resolve('./em.json');
    this.config = require(this.configPath);
  } else if (typeof(options) === 'string') {
    this.configPath = options;
    this.config = require(path.resolve(this.configPath));
  } else {
    this.config = options;

    var absPath = path.resolve('./em.json');
    if (fs.existsSync(absPath)) {
      this.config = Object.assign({}, require(absPath), options);

  this.config = Object.assign({
    modelsPath: './models',
    dialect: 'pg',
    connectionString: ''
  }, this.config);

  if (!this.config.connectionString)
    throw new Error('init failure: connectionString can not be empty');

  if (!this.config.database)
    throw new Error('init failure: database can not be empty');

  if (!this.config.modelsPath)
    throw new Error('init failure: modelsPath can not be empty');

  if (!this.config.migrationsPath)
    throw new Error('init failure: migrationsPath can not be empty'); = store || new Store(this);
  this.modelsPath = path.resolve(this.config.modelsPath);
  this.migrationsPath = path.resolve(this.config.migrationsPath);

  // make sure we are not sharing the models among multiple em inst.
  if (!this.parent && fs.existsSync(this.config.modelsPath)) {
    // load models
    var config = this.config;
    for (const fileName of fs.readdirSync(config.modelsPath)) {
      if (/\.js$/.test(fileName)) {
        require(path.resolve(config.modelsPath, fileName));

  // load dialect
  this.agent = require('./dialect/' + this.config.dialect + '.js');

  // copy database functions from dialect
  for (const n in this.agent.functions) {
    const f = this.agent.functions[n];
    this[n] = function() {
      return new Expression(f.apply(this.agent.functions, arguments), this, 'function');

  // copy database comparators from dialect
  for (const n in this.agent.comparators) {
    const f = this.agent.comparators[n];
    this[n] = function() {
      return new Expression(f.apply(this.agent.comparators, arguments), this, 'comparator');

  return this;

EmmoModel.prototype.getAllDatabases = function() {
  var self = this;
  return {
    return children.concat(self.config.database);

 * create a new EmmoModel instance to a new server with same definition, like for backup/duplicate
 * @param {InitOptions} options
 * @returns {EmmoModel}
EmmoModel.prototype.spawn = function(options) {
  return new EmmoModel(this).init(options);

 * @callback EmmoModel~job
 * @param {Session} db
 * @retuns {Promise}
 * this is where you perform database operations
 *   1. run operation over specific database em.scope(databasename, job);
 *   2. run operation over ORIGIN database em.scope(job);
 *   3. job is a function take a session instance to perform operation
 *   4. you must return a promise in job function so scope can release connection when finish
 *   5. ORIGIN normally refer to `database` in your_project/em.json file.
 *   6. you can perform TRANSCACTION in a scope.
 * @example
 *  var em = require('emmo-model');
 *  em.scope('db1', funciton(db) {
 *    return db.all('User');
 *  }).then(function(users) {
 *    console.log(users);
 *  });
 * @param {string}          [database=ORIGIN]   which database you want to operate
 * @param {EmmoModel~job}   job                 perform operation with session instance, need to return promise
 * @returns {promise}
EmmoModel.prototype.scope = function(arg1, arg2) {
  if (!this.inited)
    throw new Error('you need to call init() before running any operation');

  if (arg1 instanceof Session)
    return arg2(arg1);

  var database, job, self = this;
  if (typeof(arg2) === 'function') {
    job = arg2;
    database = arg1;
  } else {
    job = arg1;
  database = database || this.config.database;
  var session = new Session(this, database);
  var promise = job(session);
  if (!promise || typeof(promise.then) !== 'function')
    throw new Error("Must return a promise");

  return promise.then(function(data) {
    return data;
  }, function(err) {
    return P.reject(err);

 * Transaction support
EmmoModel.prototype.transact = function(arg1, arg2) {
  var database = typeof(arg1) === 'string' ? arg1 : null;
  var job = typeof(arg2) === 'function' ? arg2 : arg1;

  return this.scope(database, function(db) {
    return db.begin().then(function() {
      return job(db);
    }).tap(function() {
      return db.commit();
    }).catch(function(err) {
      debug('TRANSACTION FAIL: ', err);
      return db.rollback().then(() => P.reject(err));

 * Perform operation for all databases
EmmoModel.prototype.all = function(job) {
  var self = this;
  return this.getAllDatabases().each(function(database) {
    return self.scope(database, job);

 * lazy load migrator
 * @returns {Migrator}
EmmoModel.prototype.getMigrator = function() {
  if (!this.migrator) {
    this.migrator = new Migrator(this);
  return this.migrator;

 * create a database base on definition
 * @fires   EmmoModel#created
 * @param   {string}  [database=ORIGIN]
 * @returns {Promise}
EmmoModel.prototype.create = function(database) {
  var self = this, agent = this.agent;
  const debug = './initial-debug.sql';

  if (fs.existsSync(debug))

  return self.scope(agent.defaultDatabase, function(db) {
    // step 1:  connect to server default database, run CREATE DATABASE statement
    return db.query(self.agent.createDatabase(database)).error(function(err) {
      //console.log('ERROR', err);
      err.code = err.code || 'E_CREATE_DB_FAIL'; // either connection failure or creation failure.
      return P.reject(err);
  }).then(function() {
    // step 2:  fetch DATABASE STRUCTURE CREATION SCRIPT, connect to new database and apply it!
    var migrator = self.getMigrator();
    return self.scope(database, function(db) {
      return db.query(migrator.getInitialSQL()).then(function() {
        // insert new migration history record
        return db.insert('_Migration', migrator.lastMigrationData());
    }).error(function(err) {
      // seems thing went south, create a debug file, as generated SQL Script along with ERROR information.
      fs.writeFileSync(debug, migrator.getInitialSQL() + '\n\n\n\n\n\n' + util.inspect(err));
      // then remove useless database so that we can re-created it next time.
      return self.remove(database).finally(function() {
        return P.reject(new Error('An error ocurred during initialation, may causued by wrong model definition, check initial-debug.sql in your project folder'));
  }).tap(function() {
    // step 3: fire out event, and save information to em.json, so we know how many databases we have currently
     * when the database is created first time, you can plant seed data at this point, like insert admin user.
     * @event EmmoModel#created
     * @param {string} database
    self.emit('created', database);
    if (database !== self.config.database)

 * remove a database from server
 * @fires EmmoModel#removed
 * @param {string} [database=ORIGIN]
 * @returns {Promise}
EmmoModel.prototype.remove = function(database) {
  var self = this, agent = this.agent;

  // abadon spare connections in pool so we can remove target database
  return self.agent.dispose().then(function() {
    return self.scope(agent.defaultDatabase, function(db) {
      return db.query(self.agent.dropDatabase(database));
    }).tap(function() {
       * when database is removed
       * @event EmmoModel#removed
       * @param {string} database
      self.emit('removed', database);

 * perform database structure synchoronization.
 *   1. missed databases will be created automatically.
 *   2. existing databases will be migrated smartly.
 *   3. whenever shit happens during creating process, it will be deleted.
 *   4. migration failure should not affect existing databases.
 * @fires EmmoModel#created     single database is created
 * @fires EmmoModel#migrated    single database is migrated
 * @fires EmmoModel#synced      single database is synced
 * @fires EmmoModel#ready       all databases are ready
 * @param {string|array} [databases=ALL]
EmmoModel.prototype.sync = function(databases) {
  var self = this, p;

  if (databases) {
    if (typeof(databases) === 'string')
      databases = [ databases ];

    if (databases.length)
      p = P.resolve(databases);

  p = p || this.getAllDatabases();

  return p.each(function(database) {
    return self.create(database).error(function(err) {
      // if creating process has failed, it means we should do migration.
      if (err.code !== 'E_CREATE_DB_FAIL')
        return P.reject(err);

      var migrator = self.getMigrator();
      return self.transact(database, function(db) {
         * when the database is migrated, you can perform initialize against database here.
         * @event EmmoModel#migrated
         * @param {string} databaseName
        self.emit('migrated', database);
    }).then(function() {
      self.emit('synced', database);
  }).then(function() {
     *  when all databases are created or migrated sucessfully, you can do some system bootstrap here.
     *  @event EmmoModel#ready

 * recreate ORIGIN database, useful for unit test scenario
 * @returns {Promise}
EmmoModel.prototype.dropCreate = function() {
  var self = this;
  return self.remove(self.config.database).finally(function() {
    return self.create(self.config.database);

 * export a ready to use instance, you can spawn a new Instance
var em = module.exports = new EmmoModel();

em.pair = function() {
  return '_' + Math.random();

em.or = function() {
  return '$' + Math.random();

 * create new EmmoModel instance
 * @example
 * var server2 = require('emmo-model').new();
 * server2.init(...);
 */ = function() {
  return new EmmoModel();

var DEV = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
 * easy way to create RESTful api.
 * @example
 * var em = require('emmo-model');
 * var User = require('../models/user.js');
 * app.get('/api/users/:id', em.mount(req => User.find(;
em.mount = function(handler) {
  return function(req, res, next) {
    var promise = handler(req, res, next);
    if (typeof(promise.then) !== 'function')
      next(new Error('Expect returning a promise instance'));

    promise.then(function(result) {
      res.json({ code: 'SUCCESS', result: result });

 * @typedef ModelErrorInfo
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string}   entityName
 * @property {Entity}   entity
 * @property {string}   propertyName
 * @property {Property} property
 * @property {string}   reason
 * Create a error for Model convertion/validation, replace this to customize your error instance
 * @callback Model~newErr
 * @param {string}          code        error code
 * @param {ModelErrorInfo}  [info]      validator name/relevant definition/customize validator function name
em.newModelErr = function(code, info) {
  var message;
  switch (code) {
    case 'E_DATA_EMPTY':
      message = 'Input data can not be a empty object';
    case 'E_TYPE_ERROR':
      message = 'Illegal input value for ' + info.entityName + '.' + info.propertyName;
      message = || 'Validation fail for ' + info.entityName + '.' + info.propertyName + ' ' + info.reason;
  var error = new Error(message);
  error.code = code;
  error.description = message;
  return error;